Construction Vibration Monitoring

Party wall monitoring during demolition, piling and construction works

Air Quality / Dust Monitoring

MetOne ES-642 & DM30 Dustsens Dust Monitors for long or short term monitoring on construction sites

Construction Noise Monitoring

Class 1 Noise Monitors for long or short term monitoring on construction sites

Building Vibration Monitoring

Accurately pinpoint and diagnose the source of vibration entering a building

Machine Condition Monitoring

Vibration analysis of all rotating machinery such as motors, gearboxes, pumps and fans

Thermal Imaging Services

Surveys on distribution boards, switchgear, control panels, motors & gearboxes

Sensitive Structures - Mill & Culvert

Vibration Monitoring on Sensitive Structures - Mill & Culvert

A footbridge close to a renovated Mill & Culvert was to be removed to allow the supports either end across the stream to be replaced. This required sheet piling and heavy vehicles driving across the culvert past the Mill. Vibration Monitoring Services were asked to carry out monitoring during the works to ensure the vibration did not reach levels which would affect the sensitive buildings of the Mill and Culvert.  
